“Different skins require different peels”
Just like snakes we shed our skin, just not in one long piece (that would be slightly creepy) but continuously, cell by cell until we have completely new skin.
Skin is continuously turning over. This cell renewal is only surface deep however, and the new skin cells are only as good as the healthy functioning of the skin beneath. Just as the skin is incredibly robust, it has an equally strong memory that is not at all forgiving. This is why scarring and pigmentation can be difficult to revise without resurfacing procedures like DMK’s Remodelling Procedure (RP) and Pro-Alpha Six Layer (Pro-Alpha) peels. Human skin cannot be peeled away neatly layer by layer as many people assume. Instead, a microscopic view of the skin would look more like a series of hills and valleys with old and new cells constantly turning over. How rapidly and cleanly your skin lifts away is dependent on the type of skin you have, your age, health, and the surrounding environment.
Skin that feels rough or flaky has a slightly more sluggish cell turnover. This means that the dead cell material on the surface of your skin is cemented on and not lifting away properly.
Transepidermal water loss and the resulting dehydration is the main cause of this dysfunction. Thickened and slow sebum flow and ageing can be other factors exasperating this condition.
Most common in people who suffer from acne, rapid cell turnover is often linked to high levels of the androgen hormone and cortisol. Increased sebum secretion often accompanies this skin condition as well.
DMK peels trigger the generation of new skin that once strong enough is revealed as the old skin peels away. Dead cells effected by environmental damage, ageing and a poor diet are removed, starting afresh with revised healthier skin. Additionally, any parasites or bad bacteria that was sitting on the old skin are shed with it. This can be compared to the hidden blockages within people’s skin that are pushed up and out by DMK peels making them an ideal treatment for getting on top of congestion and acne. RP is a peeling system based on our REMOVE, REBUILD, PROTECT and MAINTAIN philosophy. It revises the architecture of the skin, addressing the underlying condition with an aim to return these areas to a strong, healthy and youthful condition. It works to preserve healthy and attractive skin on the body and face. On the other hand, DMK’s Pro Alpha peel is an intensive skin resurfacing procedure that offers deep revision of wrinkles, ageing, loose sagging skin, thickened leathery looking skin, hyper-pigmentation, sun damaged premature ageing and scarring. It’s always advised to speak with your DMK Professional Skin Technician before deciding on which peel is best for you and now is the best time of year to do it!