There’s nothing worse than that irritating, itchy sensation that seems to creep under your skin and refuses to leave.

This itchiness can be caused by a variety of factors from eczema to hormonal fluctuations but is it also possible that your diet may play a role.
Eczema (atopic dermatitis) and food allergies often
go together. In fact, food allergies may play a role in
aggravating dermatitis. For others, eating or just touching
a particular food may cause their skin to react (allergic
contact dermatitis).
When your skin is affected, symptoms may include
redness alone or a combination of swelling, a rash or itchiness.
Skin reactions to food can be immediate or take hours, even
days to appear. Some food allergies can be severe, causing
life threatening reactions known as anaphylaxis.
Food allergy is an immune system reaction that occurs
soon after eating a certain food. Even a tiny amount of the
allergy-causing food can trigger signs and symptoms. It’s
easy to confuse a food allergy with a much more common
reaction known as food intolerance. While bothersome, food
intolerance is a less serious condition that does not involve
the immune system, but can cause unwanted, yet treatable
skin conditions.
Like your physical well-being, your diet can have an
enormous impact on your skin, with certain foods influencing
your susceptibility to skin conditions such as acne, while other

foods can help to support your skin, preventing problems
such as dryness or oiliness. The bad news is that some of
our favourite foods could be to blame for uncomfortable skin
reactions, but the good news is eating certain foods can help
calm your itchy skin.
The most common food intolerances causing skin irritation are:
» Dairy
» Soy
» Wheat
» Processed meat
» Nuts – walnuts, cashews, peanuts etc.
» Seeds
» Sugar
In contrast, there are certain whole foods that nutritionists
recommend for dry, itchy skin, including oily fish, such as
salmon, or foods rich in omega-3s to promote moisture
retention in the skin’s by-layers. Avoiding foods that cause
skin irritations can be difficult, but by eliminating certain
elements from your diet you will be more likely to find the
cause and save money down the track.
For people who are not getting the nutrients needed for
healthy, glowing skin, evidence has shown that supplements
can help fill the gaps in individuals’ diets. Along with barrier
protecting and repairing skincare, no one needs to suffer
having undesirable skin conditions, but sometimes you need
to look more than skin deep!

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